Friday, January 29, 2010

Talam Keladi

First attempt to make this talam!!..forgot to steam the yam first when I mixed the below layer!!..quickly drain out the mixture and steamed it with a bit of the coconut milk in it...huhu..Always!!..always ..tersilap..knocking my head right if were to used the required tray..since I dont have one, I used a 9" tray and that was why my talam was not so 'high'..apa2 pun I like the taste...the sweetness is acceptable to me...

Some would blend the yam till fine as for me I preferred it this way...terpulanglah citarasa masing2 ya..

Ingredients:- Untuk lapisan bawah - (Below layer)
100g keladi, dipotong dadu & kukus separuh masak & lenyek2 sedikit-(100g yam, diced, steamed till 1/2 cooked and mashed abit)
300 ml santan dari 150g kelapa parut(buang kulit)-(300ml coconut milk from 150g grated white coconut)
65g tepung beras-(rice flour)
1 sudu kecil tepung gandum biasa-(1 tsp plain flour)
55 g gula pasir-(sugar)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
Untuk Lapisan Atas-(Top layer)
100 ml santan dari 100g kelapa parut(buang kulit)-(100ml coconut milk from 100g grated white coconut)
garam secukup rasa -(salt to taste)
80g gula pasir-(sugar)
2 sudu besar tepung beras-(2 tbsp rice flour)
20g tepung jagung-(corn flour)
1 biji telur, dipukul sikit-(1 egg lightly beaten)
sedikit pewarna ungu-(a bit of purple or violet colouring)

Method:- Lapisan bawah
Campurkan semua adunan untuk lapisan bawah, termasuk keladi yang telah dikukus tadi. Panaskan kukusan pada api sederhana hingga air mendidih lalu letak loyang berukuran 8" bulat dan griskan dgn sedikit minyak. Tuangkan adunan lapisan bawah pada loyang tadi & kukus selama 10-15 minit.
-(Below layer) - Mix all the ingredients for below layer including steamed yam. Put steamer on a medium heat and boil water till bubbling. Placed 8" greasesd tray and pour all the below layer ingredients and steam for 10-15 minutes.)

Method:- Lapisan Atas
Dimangkuk lain, campurkan santan, garam & gula hingga sebati. Masukkan tepung beras & bahan2 lainnya. Gaul hingga sebati & tidak berbentil2-tapiskan. Tuang adunan ini keatas lapisan bawah. Tutup semula kukusan tadi & kukus lagi selama 10-15 minit atau hingga masak. Alihkan untuk disejukkan. Gunakan plastik & sapu sedikit minyak untuk memotong supaya tidak melekat.
-(Top Layer) - In another bowl, combine coconut milk, salt & sugar till incorporated. Add in rice flour and othe other ingredients. Mix well till not lumpy- strained. Pour strained mixture on below layer. Cover the steamer lid and steam again for the next 10-15 minutes or till cooked. Let it cool. Use a plastic knife which has been greased with oil to cut so that it wont be sticky.)
Sources:- From
Why I cant see my newest post in fellow bloggers blog list? Help!!!..
Any idea to solve these?..cleared my cache, and whatever was told in blogger's help forum..
still no updated..

I think the same problem like what Kak Gerau faced the other post new entries but it is not shown in your fellow bloggers's blog list..

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tumis Taugeh, Kupang & Tauhu

Simple dish...found this recipe in CMG's old house..memang sedap buat ratah2 and goes well with simple menu..


1 keping tauhu putih, potong dadu dan goreng sekejap, angkat dan toskan-(1 hard beancurd, diced, fried, dish out and drained)
150 g taugeh, cuci dan toskan-(bean sprout washed and drained)
1 cawan isi kupang-(1 cup boiled mussels)
1 biji bawang besar, dihiris halus-(1 large onion sliced thinly)
4 ulas bawang putih, diketuk-(garlics crushed)
1 biji cili merah, hiris halus-(1 red chili sliced)
1 camca besar sos tiram-(1 tbsp oyster sauce)
Sedikit garam dan gula-(salt and sugar to taste)
Panaskan 2 camca besar minyak dalam kuali. Goreng kupang 5 minit dan masukkan bawang besar hiris, bawang putih ketuk dan cili hiris. Kacau rata.Tuang sos tiram dan kacau, kemudian masukka tauhu tadi bersama sedikit gula dan garam, gaul rata. Masukkan taugeh dengan gaul rata dan matikan api. Gunakan api besar semasa menggaul taugeh tadi.Rasa tahap kemasinan dan bolehlah diangkat dan hidangkan bersama nasi putih hangat..-(Heat 2 tbsp oil and fry the boiled mussels for 5 minutes abd add in sliced onions, crushed garlics and sliced chillies. Stir well and add in oyster sauce, fried beancurd, salt and sugar to taste. Using high flame add in bean sprout and mix well. Turn off heat. Serve with warm white rice)

Ikan Masak Ala Jawa

As usual like this kind of simple dishes that are easy to prepare and nice to eat..

4 ekor ikan-digoreng-saya gunakan ikan kembung & goreng dengan garam aje-(4 mackerel marinated w some salt and fried)
*10 biji cili padi-(bird eyes chillies)
*5 ulas bawng merah-(shallots)
*2 ulas bawang putih-(garlics)
*1 inci kunyit hidup-(fresh turmeric roots)
3 batang serai-diketuk-(lemon grass bruised)
1 cawan santan-(1 cup coconut milk)
1 asam keping-(1 dried tamarind slice)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
(*bahan kisar)-(*blended ingredients)

Panaskan minyak untuk menumis. Setelah minyak panas masukkan serai dan biarkan 5-10 saat. Masukkan bahan yang sudah dikisar kedalam kuali biarkan hingga naik bau@ kekuningan.
Masukkan santan, garam secukup rasa & asam keping. Biarkan 20-30 minit kemudian masukkan ikan yang sudah digoreng tadi.Sedia utuk dihidang -(Heat oil and saute lemonrass for 5-10 seconds. Add in blended ingredients and let it till fragrant. Add in coconut milk, salt, sugar and tamarind slice. Let it simmer for 20-30 minutes and add in fried fishes. Ready)
Sources:-From cactus

Fishball Goreng Asam

Kids menu..just fried the fish balls using the 'ikan goreng asam' recipe.... short of idea what to cook for the kids..haha...dah habis dah..

1 packet pre- fried fish balls.
1 big onions sliced
2 garlics sliced
1-2 red chillies sliced
1/2 cm ginger sliced
1 tbsp chili paste
1-2 tbsp tarmarind juice
salt , sugar/msg to taste

Heat oil in wok.Saute the onions, garlics, ginger and chillies till soft. Add in tamarind juice and stir well. Add in salt and msg/sugar to taste. Either you pour the mixture onto fishballs or you add the fishballs onto the mixture. Ready.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Yogurt Fried Chicken

Tried another chicken recipe from Love2cook...the English version you can get it there..I've copied and paste from Noreen's usual Chicken if were to fried for sure 'sold out' in my house..hehehe..the rich yogurt taste made this recipe quite a difference..Thanks Love for the recipe...keep up the good & creative new ways & recipes in frying chickens!!..muuaah!!

1 ekor ayam - dipotong kecil atau boleh guna chicken wing
1 cawan (250ml) plain yogurt

Ingredients A:
6 ulas bawang putih - ditumbuk halus
2 inci halia - ditumbuk halus
1 sudu besar serbuk paprika
1 sudu besar serbuk cayenne
garam secukup rasa
2 tangkai daun kari

Ingredients B:
1 1/2 cawan tepung gandum - boleh dicampurkan dengan sedikit tepung beras
1 sudu kecil baking powder
1 sudu besar serbuk paprika
1 sudu besar serbuk cayenne
secubit garam

jus lemon - optional

gaulkan ayam dengan bahan2 A dan plain yogurt sehingga sebati
perapkan selama 2-3 jam atau semalaman
lebih elok simpan di dalam freezer bag
gaulkan semua bahan2 B di dalam mangkuk dan masukkan ke dalam freezer bag
masukkan ayam perapan tadi dan gaulkan rata
panaskan minyak dengan banyak (deep fry)
gorengkan ayam sehingga masak dan garing
angkat dan perahkan lemon ke atas ayam jika suka
hidangkan dengan nasi lemak dan lauk pauk yang lain

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Penang Laksa

Since I came back from Penang, the other day...I have been dreaming of Penang Laksa..hehe...still can feel the 'sourness' of the gravy at the side of my the net and got a few recipes and versions of Penang Laksa..ermmm cant decide which one..I guessed the difference are in the sourness and hotness of the gravy and the garnishings preferred...

Decided on this one as it tells the steps and procedures...and of course the ingredients used..I think I follow exactly what required only that I dont have mint leaves in my I missed that..else wise I think I've got it..(no more drooling thinking of Penang Laksa)...

600g laksa noodles -scald in hot water and drain-(mee laksa dicelur dalam air panas dan toskan)

1 kg flaked ikan kembong or ikan parang-( isi ikan kembung atau ikan parang)
some salt-(garam)
2000ml water-(air)

Spices to grind finely:-(bahan kisar)
6-7 fresh chillies-(cili merah)
4-5 dried chillies-(cili kering)
1 small piece galangal-(lengkuas)
2 cm fresh turmeric-(kunyit hidup)
20 shallots-(bawang merah)
2 cloves of garlics-(bawang putih)
6 candlenuts-(I put only 3)-(buah keras saya letak 3 saja)

5 stalks laksa leaves-(daun kesum)
1 red ginger plant bud, cut lengthwise-(bunga siantan)
5-4 stalks lemon grass bruised-( 5-4 serai di titik)

Mix and strain:-
50g tamarind pulp-(asam jawa)
250ml water-(air)
4 pieces dried tamarind slice( I put 7) -(4 asam keping-saya letak 7)
1 tbsp maggi belacan powder-(belacan bakar pun boleh)
salt and msg to taste-(garam & perasa secukupnya)

(D) Garnishing , slice thinly:-(bahan hiasan dihiris nipis)
100g pineapple-(nenas)
1 cucumber-(timun)
2 red ginger plant bud-(bunga siantan)
3 red chillies-(lada merah)
2 big onions-(bawang besar)
200g lettuce - ( daun selada)
mint leaves-(daun pudina)
enough sticky black prawn paste(heiko)- dissolve in a little hot water-(sedikit petis dicampurkan dengan air panas)

Boil fishes with the water. When fish are cooked, remove it from the stock and flake it. Leave water(fish stock) in the pot. Add (B) and (C) in the fish stock and simmer until it reaches the desired consistency. Put in flaked fish meat and keep the laksa gravy over a moderate heat. Put laksa noodles into serving bowls. Spoon the laksa gravy over and garnish with (D). Serve hot with a little prawns paste.-(Rebus(A) ikan didalam air . Bila sudah masak , angkat dan toskan ambil isinya dan kisar halus. Biarkan air rebusan ikan tadi, masukkan bahan (B) dan (C) kedalam, dan renehkan hingga kepekatan yang dikehendaki. Masukkan isi ikan tadi dan masak diatas api sederhana. Hidangkan mee laksa dalam mangkuk, tuangkan kuahnya dan hiaskan dengan bahan hiasan. Hidangkan panas dengan sedikit air petis.)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Apam Jepun - Dorayaki

A few already tried this... Made for breakfast this morning...I blended the ingredients yesterday night before going to bed...this morning, bake them in the muffins trays cause I dont have the moulds like KakAmFlora used for hers....saw in Kak Asma blog, also baked in muffin I did the same thing..hehe.. you can also see another version at Hana's....As I was lazy to boil the red beans...I used Nutella filling instead ...SEDAAP!!!.....the taste is there!!!...
25g mentega-(butter)
75g gula-( sugar)
250g tepung gandum-(plain flour)
2 biji telur-(eggs)
300ml air(dimasak dgn 6 helai daun pandan)-sejukkan-(water boiled with 6 pandan leaves)-leave to cool
1/2 sudu besar yis mauripan(dibancuh & dikacau dgn sedikit air)-(1/2 tbsp yeast-mixed with some water)
1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat-( 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda)
1/2 sudu teh garam-( 1/2 tsp salt)
sedikit pewarna kuning-( some yellow colourings)

Telur & gula dipukul sebentar, kemudian masukkan butter dan pukul lagi. Masukkan tepung, air, yis, garam, bikarbonat & pewarna-pukul lagi hingga kembang dan sebati. (masukkan dalam blender jer). Acuan disapukan dengan sedikit minyak. Ambil 1 sudu makan adunan lalu dituangkan dalam acuan- agak2 nampak keluar gelembung terus masukkan sedikit inti kacang. Kemudian tuangkan lagi dengan lagi adunan sehingga penuh acuan. Biarkan masak hingga kekuningan dan bolehlah diangkat. -(Beat eggs and sugar for awhile. Add in butter and beat again. Add in flour, water, yeast, salt, bicarbonate of soda & colouring and beat again till fluffy and creamy. (just put everyhting in blender easier). Grease some oil to moulds. Add in 1 spoonful of mixture. When mixture has 'rise' add in filling. Add another spoonful of mixture to cover. Let it cook till yellowish and ready.)

Inti kacang Merah:- (Red Bean filling)
300g kacang merah-(direbus sehingga empuk)-(red bean -boiled till soft)
150g gula-(sugar) 100g gula tanjung(gula warna oren)-(orange sugar)
4 helai daun pandan-(pandan leaves)


Kacang direbus dengan daun pandan hingga empuk. Dilecekkan halus dan masukkan gula kemudian dimasak hingga pekat-sejukkan.-(Red bean boiled with pandan leaves till soft. Mashed up red beans and add in sugar and cook till thickens. let to cool.)

Daging Cili Padi

Best!!..I like this dish...Hasif bertambah tambah when he ate his lunch just now...but for the beef, I boiled and let it till dry,(keringkan airnya dulu) then I fried it according to the recipe..


500g daging-(500g beef)
10 biji cili padi- (10 bird eyes chillies)
5 biji bawang merah -(5 shallots)
2 biji bawang putih-(2 garlics)
2 cm halia-(2 cm ginger)
2 sudu makan sos tiram-(2 tbsp oyster sauce)
2 biji bawang besar(potong bulat)-(2 large onions cut in rings)
2 biji limau kasturi(diperah ambil jusnya)-(2 lime juice)
5 biji cili merah-(5 red chillies)
garam dan gula secukupnya-(salt and sugar to taste)

Panaskan minyak dan goreng daging sehingga lembut dan ketepikan. Masukkan halia, cili padi, bawang putih dan bawang merah kedalam pengisar dan kisar. Panaskan minyak semula(gunakan minyak goreng daging tadi) dan tumiskan bahan2 yang telah dikisar tadi. Tumiskan sehingga kekuningan kemudian masukkan sos tiram, garam dan bawang besar. Apabila baunya mulai naik, masukkan jus limau kasturi. Masukkan daging dan gaul sehingga rata. Masak sehingga mendidih dan kuah menjadi pekat. -(Heat oil and fry beef till soft and dish out. Add in ginger, bird eyes chillies, garlics, shallots in blender and blend. Heat oil again (from the same oil) and saute blended ingredients till yellow and add in oyster sauce, salt and large onions. When the smell has risen, add in lime juice. Add in beef and stir well till incorporated. Cook till bubbling and the gravy thickens.)
Sources:-From Nor emilia

Telur Masak Lemak Dhal

Repeat telecast...needs gravy dish so made this...


2 handfuls of dhal soaked-(2 genggam kacang dhal direndam)
1-2 potatoes cut to preferences-(1-2 kentang dipotong ikut suka)
3-4 eggs-(3-4 biji telur)
3-4 dried chillies using scissors snip thinly-(3-4 cili kering digunting halus)
1 big onion sliced thinly-(1 biji bawbang besar dihiris halus)
2 garlics sliced thinly-(2 bawnag putih dihiris halus)
2-3 stalk curry leaves-(2-3 batang daun kari)
1 tsp mustard seeds-(1 sudu teh biji sawi)
a few slices of ginger-(beberapa hirisan halia)
some coconut milk-(santan )
1-2 tsp turmeric powder-(1-2 sudu teh kunyit serbuk)
salt and MSG to taste-(garam dan perasa secukupnya)
water for boiling to estimate-(air ikut suka)
oil for saute-(minyak untuk menumis)

Boil dhal in water when 3/4 cooked add in potatoes and boil till soft. Meanwhile in another wok, heat oil and stir fry onions, garlics, ginger, dried chillies, mustard seeds, turmeric powder and curry leaves till fragrant. In the pan that boils the potatoes and dhall, making sure the amount of water preferred is enough, add in the coconut milk. Let it simmer for a while. In the other wok, once the stir fried ingredients are ready pour the mixture into the dhall pan and stir well. Add in salt and MSG to taste. Break the eggs one by one and let it cook for a while. Do not stir too much as it will make the eggs separated to pieces.Turn off heat.Ready.-(Rebus kacang dhal yang telah direndam dalam air(berapa banyak terpulang). Bila 3/4 masak masukkan kentang dan rebus hingga empuk. Dalam kuali yang lain, panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang besar, bawng putih, halia. cili kering, biji sawi, kunyit serbuk dan daun kari hingga naik bau. Sementara itu, dalam periuk yang merebus kentang dan kacang dhal tadi, pastikan air untuk kuah sudah memadai, masukkan santan. Biarkan ia reneh seketika. Bila bahan tumis sudah sedia masukkan terus ke dalam kuah dhal tadi. Perasakn dengan garam dan serbuk perasa. Pecahkan telur satu persatu dan biarkan ia masak. Jangan terlalu dikacau takut telur hancur. Bila sudah masak tutup api dan hidangkan.)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Croissant Puffs

Croissant puffs??..ada ke?..hehehe...saja want to test out, other than the prata puff I made the other the idea from here, which originally for bread, but my itchy hands use the instant puff for this...,for the filling still use CMG's recipe ..

Ingredients for filling:-(Bahan untuk Inti)
2 potatoes peeled and diced-(2 biji kentang di kupas, dan didadu)
3-4 button mushroom diced(I used the canned ones)-(3 kuntum cendawan butang, didadu)
1/2 cup beef/chicken cut small*(I boiled first)-(1/2 cawan daging lembu/ayam, dipotong kecil2)
1/2 tsp black pepper powder * (*mixed and leave it for 10 minutes)-(1/2 camca teh serbuk lada*(disatukan dan perap 10 minit)
1/2 cup milk/coconut milk-(1/2 sawan susu/santan)
2 tsp meat curry powder-(2 camca teh serbuk kari daging)
1 tsp light soy sauce-(1 camca teh kicap cair)
1 tsp sugar-(1 camca teh gula)
1 big onion diced-(1 biji bawang besar, didadu)
2 cloves of garlics sliced thinly-(2 ulas bawang putih, dihiris halus)
1 inch ginger minced-(1 inci halia, dicincang halus)
(I added, a little bit of salt and MSG to taste)-(saya masukkan sedikit garam dan sedikit perasa)

For Filling:- Heat 2 tbsp of oil, saute ginger and garlics till fragrant, and add in mushrooms and stir well. Add in onions and curry powder. Stir well.
Add in beef and some water, and let it a while till cook then add in potatoes and milk. When boiled, add in sugar and light soy sauce.Cook till the potatoes has soften and the mixture has almost thicken but moist.-(Panaskan 2 camca besar minyak, tumis halia dan bawang putih hingga harum, masukkan cendawan dan goreng hingga wangi. Masukkan bawang besar dan serbuk kari. Kacau rata. Masukkan daging dan sedikit air, masak hingga daging empuk dan masukkan kentang dan santan/susu. Bila mendidih, perasakan dengan gula dan kicap cair. Masak hingga kentang empuk dan inti kering tapi masih lembab.)
Sources:- From

Do it till finish and brush surface with egg yolk and bake at 175C degrees, for 20-25 minutes.
-(Buat hingga siap dan sapu permukaan croissant puff dengan kuning telur dan bakar pada suhu 175C, selama 20-25 minit.)

Half way while baking, suddenly it crossed my mind that I forgot to snap before going into the oven..Quickly got my camera and shoot..hehe

Steam Garlic Prawns

I have some large prawns that has been in the freezer for quite some times...Felt like eating something simple, cause lazy to prepare the ingredients...had this recipe in my 'library', decided to gave it a shot..Chinese style steam garlics ..original were to use wine but I omit it.. I added some bird eyes chillies (as usual) for me to crunch while eating...Best if to use fresh prawns!

500g prawns-(500g udang)
1 tbsp sesame oil-(1 sudu besar minyak bijan)
a pinch of salt-(garam)
a dash of pepper-(lada sulah)
3 garlics chopped or minced-(bawang puith kisar atau dicincang)
1 egg-(1 telur)

Cut the prawns(hind side) using the kitchen scissors. Slid it acros the back of the prawn, with a opening for the filling. Mix the garlic with sesame oil, salt and pepper. Add in egg to the mixture. Use half tsp of mixture and spread it across the slid opening of the prawn. Repeat this until all the prawns are completed. Place the prawns on a ceramic plate that can be used for serving. Pour the remaining of the mixture over the prawns. Place the plate over the steamer and steam for 10 minutes. Ready. -(Hiris belakang udang. Gaul semua bahan, bawang putih, minyak bijan, garam dan lada sulah dan telur. Ambil sedikit adunan dan bubuhkan sikit dibelakang udang tadi. Ulang sehingga semua udang habis di bubuh adunan. Letakkan udang2 tadi diatas pinggan seramik yang akan dihidang kelak. Curahkan lebihan bahan adunan diatas udang2 itu tadi. Letak pinggan yang berisi udang didalm kukus dan kukus selama 10 minit. Siap)

Terung Tumis Bilis

I ate this without any gravy or whatever..just this with plain warm white rice...and helped myself with another second servings...enak deh..!!


2 batang terung panjang-(2 long brinjals)
1 genggam ikan bilis-(a handful of anchovies)
2 bawang besar-(2 large onions)
5 ulas bawang putih-(5 garlics)
1 inci halia-(1 inch ginger)
1 genggam cili kering, dikerat dan dicelur kemudian diblend -(1 handful of dried chillies, cut, soaked and blend till fine to form chili paste)
garam gula secukup rasa-(salt and sugar to taste)

Terung dicuci, dipotong memanjang kemudian digoreng dahulu, ketepikan. Bawang putih, bawang besar, halia dan ikan bilis ditumbuk/dikisar kasar. Kemudian panaskan kuali, letak sedikit minyak, tumiskan bahan2 ditumbuk/dikisar tadi hingga naik bau. Masukkan cili kering yang dah dikisar halus, kacau hingga pecah minyak. Perasakan garam dan gula, bila dah betul2 pecah minyak, tutup api. Gaulkan terung goreng tadi dalam kuali dengan sambal tumis tadi. Kemudian hidangkan.-(Wash brinjals, cut elongated, fried and put aside. Ground/Blend garlics, onions, ginger and anchovies coarsely. Heat little oil and saute blended ingredients till fragrant. Add in chili paste and saute till oil rises up the surface. Add salt and sugar to taste. Add in fried brinjals and mix well. ready.)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jemput Jemput Tepung Atta

This was another snack that I made to bring over during my mum in the cousins siap ask for the recipe..hehehe..something different from my normal jemput2...the taste of the atta flour (capati flour) really brings out the taste...I even offered to the 'auntie' who was warded next to my mum..and she liked it...hahaha....Thanks Kak Palatable T&T for the nice recipe!!!..confirm memang nak kena buat lagi, cause its so easy to prepare and a nice snack for snacking, I just added 1 egg to the ingredients cause nak kasi dia lembut sikit hehe... I put up the recipe here halal ya kak..


1 cup atta (whole wheat) flour-(tepung atta- tepung capati)
1 cup wheat flour-(tepung gandum)
1 cup warm water- I used approximately 11/4 cup -( air suam)-saya gunakan dlm anggaran 11/4 cawan
2 tsp sugar-I used castor sugar-( 2 sudu kecil gula) -saya gunakan gula castor
1 tsp salt-(1 sudu teh garam)
2 tsp chili powder-(I added 1 tsp more)-(2 sudu teh serbuk cili)- saya gunakan 3 sudu teh
1 piece tofu mashed-(1 tahu lembik dilenyek)
1 big onion chopped-(1 bawang besar potong dadu)
1 tbsp oil-(1 sudu makan minyak )
coriander leaves chopped-(daun ketumbar hiris halus)
a pinch of soda bicarbonate-(secubit soda bicarbonate)
oil for frying-(minyak untuk menggoreng)
some prawns and squids- I added myself-(udang & sotong -saya tambah sendiri)
1 egg-I added myself-(1 telur- saya tambah sendiri)

In a large bowl combine flour, sugar, salt, chili powder and soda bicarbonate. Mix well. Add in coriander leaves, oil, tofu, onion(egg, prawns and squids) and water bit by bit. Blend well. Heat oil and drop a spoonful of batter, fry till golden brown. Ready to be serve with chili or tomato sauce.-(Dalam mangkuk yang besar, campurkan tepung, gula, garam serbuk cili dan soda bicarbonate. Gaul rata. Masukkan daun ketumbar, minyak, tahu lembik, bawang besar(telur, udang dan sotong) dan juga air sikit sikit. Gaul hingga sebati. Panaskan minyak dan goreng hingga kekuning-kuningan. Siap untuk dihidang dengan cili sos atau tomato sos.)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kek Gula Hangus

Salam, it has been almost a week, since I last updated...the reasons why I have not been posting and updating was because I have been busy going to and fro to the hospital as my mum was warded there since last Friday...Yup! she was admitted after she had a fall and her head was bleeding happened that faithful Friday morning at about 5 am..

When she fall everybody was still sound was understood that she wanted to go to the toilet and suddenly felt giddy and 'blackout'...she managed to sit up, realising her head was 'wet' with blood..after that she cried out for sons was those who came to hear her cries cause their room was the nearest..the kids came running to my room and woke me up...I quickly dashed out and saw my mum was holding her head with her hand and her face was sooo 'white'....with some blood was on the floor...the cut was about the diameter of a 20 cents coin...

That morning, Mr Hubby and my dad brought my mum to the nearest clinic, I stayed behind to settle the kids going to school..when the doctor saw my mum, he checked the cut and suggested to them to bring my mum to the hospital as the cut was quite deep and she had a very low blood pressure...when they reached the A& E department...the cut was treated and went for an X-Ray
to check any possibilities of blood clot or 'crack'..thank god it was OK, but when they checked her heart beat, it was very irregular and her blood pressure was very very low..the doctor suggested her to be admitted...after hearing that she was taking her blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and thyroid medications adding to poor appetite the doctor put her on 'drip'...not sure what was the liquid in the bag, it could be iodine??...but she told me 5 bags of those was dripped into her...

During one of the visits, I managed to ask the doctor, how was my mum, she said that its because of her thyroid and her high blood medications adding to her 'TAK NAK/TAK BOLEH MAKAN', that made her blood pressure went down all the way...Alhamdullilah, after the 2 days she was taken off the drip and her face can be seen 'MERAH' a call from her just now that the doctor has told her that she can go back later Mr Hubby will fetch her...

Anyway I made this honeycomb cake and brought over to the hospital as this is my mum's favourite...and at the same time for those who came to visit ...recipe I put up here again..

Ingredients for caramel:- 1 cup sugar-(1 cawan gula)
1 cup hot water-(1 cawan air panas)
2 tbsp butter-(2 sudu besar mentega)
On medium heat, fry sugar in a saucepan. When the sugar has almost melt, add in hot water(be careful @ this part cause it will be popping.) Add in butter and stir till melts. Put to cool ans set aside.-(Gula digoreng dengan api sederhana besar. Bila gula dah agak cair masukkan air panas-kena berhati2 sebab nanti dia meletop letop. Tutup api & cepat masukkan air panas tadi dan masukkan mentega kacau sampai mentega cair. Ketepikan)

Ingredients for cake:-
4 eggs-(4 biji telur)
1 cup condensed milk-(1 cawan susu pekat)(Ayu guna 1/2 cawan)
1 cup plain flour-(1 cawan tepung gandum)
2 tsp soda bicarbonate-(2 sudu teh soda bicarbonate)
1 tsp vanilla essence-(1 sudu teh vanilla essence)

Using a hand mixer beat eggs till creamy and thick. Add in condensed milk mixed well. In a blender pour eggs and milk mixture. PRESS the on button. Then add in plain flour & soda bicarbonate which has been sifted and Vanilla Essence. PRESS the on button again. Lastly add in the syrup. PRESS the on button again. Leave the mixture in the blender for 3-4 jam(covered) to get a beautiful 'sponge'. After 3-4 hours, pour into a 5" greased tray in order to get a 'higher sponge'(I used 7" inch tray) in oven.Without stirring the mixture(This was what I did), pour the ingredients directly into tray in the oven. Bake for 60 minutes or till cook at 160 degrees Celsius (For my oven I used 145C degrees and bake for 90 minutes) using just the below heat(api bawah). The last 20-30 minutes use both heat(api atas and bawah). Take out from oven and let it cool before cutting. -(Pukul telur sampai kembang & pekat. Masukkan susu pekat and mix lagi. Tuangkan adunan kedalam blender dan tekan ON. Masukkan tepung & soda bicarbonate yang telah diayak tadi dan esen vanila. Tekan On lagi. Last baru masukkan gula hangs tadi. Tekan On lagi. Biarkan adunan dalam blender selama 3-4 jam(tertutup) untuk mendapatkan 'span' yang cantik. Selepas diperap, masukkan adunan kedalam loyang yang telah digris dengan butter(Tanpa menggodak adunan tu, sebab dah trial & error kalau digodak sarangnya tak berapa menjadi). Gunakan loyang 5", kalau nak kek yang tinggi( Ayu gunakan loyang 7" aje)Tuang adunan terus kedalam loyang dalam oven. Bakar dengan suhu 160C selama 60 minit. (Ayu bakar suhu 145c selama 90 minit untuk oven saya) dengan menggunakan api bawah sahaja. Balance 20-30 terakhir, pakai api atas dan bawah. Keluarkan dari oven dan sejukkan dulu sebelum potong.)
Sources:- From Kak steps from Maklang and some of the steps Ayu added myself..

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Kerutup Sotong

The original recipe was from Kak Hanieliza and to use beef, but was 'diversified' by Kak Muza in changing the main ingredients to squids.. the Kerutup Powder, which I've got from JB, I used for this dish..although it says for 'chicken and beef'..hehehe..

It could be categorize under 'Rendang', as it taste slightly like that...Although the recipe recommended to eat this with Nasi Tomato or Minyak, I just serve it with plain white rice..pun ok below is the recipe that I 've edited which you can change it to beef and just add 1 inch cinammon stick when saute...


1 kg sotong-( 1kg squids)
3 cawan santan-(3 cups coconut milk)
3 sudu besar kerisik-(3 tbsp toasted coconut crumbs)
3 sudu besar kerutup powder -(3 tbsp kerutup powder)
2 sudu besar gula merah-(2 tbsp palm sugar)
3 sudu besar minyak-(3 tbsp oil)
1/2 cawan air asam jawa-(1/2 cup tamarind juice)

Bahan2 Kisar:- (Blended ingredients)
15 tangkai cili kering-(15 dried chillies)
10 ulas bawang merah-(10 shallots)
3 ulas bawang putih-(3 garlics)
3 cm halia-(3 cm ginger)
3 cm lengkuas-(3 cm galangal)

Basuh dan bersihkan sotong dan toskan. Bancuhkan bahan kisar dengan rempah kerutup. Panaskan minyak dan masukkan bahan kisar yang telah dibancuh tadi. Kacau rata sehingga naik minyak dan wangi. Masukkan sotong dan kacau rata. Masukkan santan, air asam jawa, gula dan garam. Perlahankan api.(Masak sotong sekejap saja dan lepas tu diangkat, biarkan kuahnya kering sedikit , baru diangkat dan curahkan atas sotong tadi.) Biarkan reneh sehingga pekat dan naik minyak semula.-(Wash and drained squids. Mix blended ingredients to kerutup powder. Heat oil and add in blended ingredients + kerutup powder(paste). Stir well till fragrant and oil rises up the surface. Add in squids and mix well. Add in coconut milk, tamarind juice, sugar and salt. Slow down heat. (Make sure not to overcooked the squids, dish out when cooked and let the gravy simmer till a bit thick and pour the gravy on the earlier squids).Let the gravy simmer for a while and oil rises up the surface.
Sources:-From Kak Muza@

Kerabu Mangga & Epal Hijau

When we were in Penang the other time... Mr Hubby was attracted to a 'kerabu mangga' dish that was served when we ate the 'nasi campur at Persiaran Gurney.. he said the menu is very nice... I told him I have the recipe for that which I remembered I've got it from dapur lama Ijan's Finland ....

Got all the ingredients needed, so I made this not to eat with rice but just for snacking!!..mum who has a poor appetite sample a bit of those, well at least she can eat this just to clear off her 'bitter' taste appetite..Thank you Ijan akak minta izin letakkan the recipe here pula ya..

1 biji mangga muda, dihiris-(1 young green mango sliced- I shredded)
1 biji epal hijau-(green apple sliced)
1 biji cili merah dihiris-(red chili sliced)
5 biji cili api dihiris-(bird eyes chillies sliced)
3 ulas bawang merah, dihiris-( shallots sliced)
1 labu bawang besar saiz sederhana, dihiris-( large onion medium size sliced)
sos ikan-(fish sauce)
perahan asam limau nipis - tak perlu kalau mangga dah masam-(no need lime juice- if the mango already sour)

Sediakan semua bahan, campurkan didalam mangkuk besar. Masukkan sos ikan dan gula secukup rasa. Berhati hati masukkan sos ikan sebab sos ini dah agak masin. Sedia untuk dihidang.(Saya biarkan dalam peti as sebentar sebelum me) -(Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Add in fish sauce and sugar to taste. Be careful not to over add as the fish sauce already salty. Ready to be serve) -I put in the fridge for a while before serving.
Sources:-From Ijan

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mexican Buns - In A Cup

Yup!! thats my Mexican buns...hahaha... if a Mexican sees this he must have shot me dead!!!...cause I disgraced their usual some misadventures happened and this was the only way to save my 500g bread flour and the other ingredients into 'MrBin'....the taste is there definitely, only the appearance did not meet the ISO Standard ler...anyway I still want to put up my 'ugly' creations here for my future reference and will try doing them it here.

Bahan untuk Inti
-(Ingredients for filling)
100 gram mentega bergaram, dilembutkan-(100g salted butter soften)
1/4 sudu teh esen vanilla-(1/4 tsp vanilla essence)
35 gram gula perang-(35g brown sugar)

Bahan untuk Topping:-(Ingredients for Topping)
100 gram mentega, dilembutkan-(100g soften butter) 80 gram gula aising, diayak-(80g icing sugar sieved)
2 biji telur, dipukul sedikit-(2 eggs lightly beaten)
3 sudu makan NESCAFE dicampurkan dengan 2 sudu besar air
secubit serbuk kayu manis, boleh dicampur kedalam esen kopi-(Saya gunakan 2 sudu makan chocolate emulco dan 1 sudu makan nescafe)-(3 tbsp nescafe mix with 2 tbsp hot water, w/ a pinch of cinnamon powder- I used 2 tbsp chocolate emulco +1 tbsp nescafe)
100 gram tepung serbaguna, diayak-(100g plain flour sieved)

Bahan untuk Doh Manis-(sweet dough ingredients)
500 gram tepung roti, diayak-(500g bread flour sieved)
20 gram tepung susu, diayak-(20g milk powder)
75 gram gula kaster-(75g castor sugar)
1 sudu teh garam-(1 tsp salt)
1 1/2 sudu teh yis segera-(11/2 tsp instant yeast)
1 biji telur, dipukul sedikit-(1 egg lightly beaten)
270 gram (270 ml) air atau susu segar (kalau sudah menggunakan susu tepung jangan guna susu tapi gunakan air)-(270g water or fresh milk-if already used milk powder dont use fresh milk just use water.)
60 gram mentega, dilembutkan-(60g soften butter)
saya masukkan 2 sudu teh pelebut roti + 2 sudu teh bread improver-(I added 2 tsp of bread softener +2 tsp of brread improver)

Cara untuk Intinya-(Method for Filling)
Pukul mentega dalam mixer pada kelajuan sederhana selama 3 minit. Masukkan esen vanilla dan gula perang dan pukul hingga sebati. Tuangkan adunan kedalam mangkuk dan bekukan dalam peti sejuk. Bahagikan adunan inti kepada 10 gram dan bulatkan dan simpan dalam peti sejuk sehingga sedia untuk digunakan.-(Beat butter in mixer at medium speed for 3 minutes. Add in vanilla essence, brown sugar and beat till creamy. Place in a bowl and frezze it. Divide the filling to 10g each and make small balls and further place it in the fridge till you want to use it.)
Cara untuk Topping-(Method for Topping)
Pukul mentega dan gula aising pada kelajuan sederhana selama 5 minit sehingga adunan ringan dan gebu. Masukkan telur sedikit demi sedikit. Masukkan esen kopi. Masukkan tepung dan putar pada kelajuan perlahan sehingga semuanya sebati. Masukkan kedalam piping bag dan sejukkan dalam peti sejuk sehingga sedia untuk digunakan.-(Beat butter and icing sugar at a medium speed for 5 minutes till light and fluffy. Add in egg one by one. Add in coffee essence.(for me chocolate emulco. Add in flour and stir in a low speed till incorporated. Put mixture in pipping bag and place in the fridge till ready to be used.)

Cara untuk Doh Manis-(Method for sweet dough)
Campurkan tepung yang telah diayak, gula kaster dan garam didalam mixer dan putar pada kelajuan perlahan selama 1 minit. Masukkan yis, telur dan air. Putar selama 1 minit pada kelajuan perlahan dan kemudian pada kelajuan sederhana selama 8 minit. Masukkan butter dan gaul hingga sebati selama 5 minit pada kelajuan sederhana sehingga adunan roti menjadi lembut dan licin. Kemudian bulatkan adunan setiap bahagian 55 gram (boleh dapat 17 bahagian). Bentukkan bulat. Tutup dengan kain lembab dan biarkan selama 10 minit.-saya masukkan semua dalam breadmaker aje.(Combine sieved flour, castor sugar and salt in a mixer and beat at a low speed for 1 minute. Add in yeast, egg and water. Whisk for 1 minute then medium speed for 8 minutes. Add in butter and mix for 5 minutes at medium speed till dough mixture becomes soft and smooth. Divide dough at 55 g each and make small balls. Cover with moist cloth and let for 10 minutes.- I just dumped everything in the breadmaker)

Cara untuk membuat Roti Boy-(Method for Buns)
Menggunakan telapak tangan leperkan adunan roti. Letakkan inti ditangan dan tutup dan kemaskan (mesti tutup betul kalau tidak sewaktu membakar inti akan terkeluar dan cair). Bentukkan bulat dan letakkan atas loyang pembakar yang telah disapu mentega. Ulangi untuk bulatan roti yang lain. Letakkan roti pada jarak 7.5cm diatas loyang pembakar. Ketepikan untuk diperap selama 45 minit didalam suhu suam. Pipe toppping diatas roti bentuk spiral (bulat-bulat) bermula dari tengah. Bakar pada suhu 170 darjah C selama 15-20 minit atau sehingga roti kekuningan.-(Using your palms, flatten dough ball. Place the filling in the centre and cover neatly-(must seal well or the filling will ooze out from the buns. Place balls on a greased tray. Repeat procedure till finish. Place buns at 7.5cm in distance of each other. Let it proof for 45 minutes. Pipe the topping ontop of buns like a spiral shapestarting from the centre. Bake at 170C FOR 15-20 minutes or till buns are golden yellow.)

Sup Ikan Kerisi

Normally when I cooked fish soup, I just dump in fishes after saute all the blended ingredients, but this time I tried this recipe and surprisingly its quite nice tau!! my tekak lah...

4 ekor ikan kerisi -saya gunakan ikan kerisi besar-(4 sea breams-I used 1 big sea bream)
4 biji bebola ikan (belah 2) - (4 fishballs halved)
1 keping kuih ikan-(dihiris keping-keping2)-(1 fishcake sliced thinly)
sedikit soo hoon -(some tanghoon)
sedikit daun bawang, bawang goreng, daun sup or batang saleri-(a bit of spring onions, fried shallots, celery)
Minyak untuk menggoreng ikan-(oil for frying fishes)
garam dan serbuk perasa jika suka-(salt and seasoning if preferred)
air sebanyak 2 mangkuk sederhana-(water about 2 medium size bowl)

Bahan ditumbuk halus:-(blended ingredients)
1 sudu teh biji ketumbar-(1 tsp coriander seeds)
1/2 sudu teh jintan halus-(1/2 tsp cumin)
1/2 sudu teh jintan kasar-(1/2 tsp fennel)
1 sudu teh lada sulah-(1 tsp pepper)
1/4 biji buah pala-saya gunakan serbuk-(1/4 nutmeg-I used powdered)
11/2 cm halia-(11/2 cm ginger)
2 biji bawang putih-(2 garlics)
1 kuntum bunga lawang dan 1 biji buah pelaga(jangan ditumbuk untuk menumis saja)-( 1 star anise and 1 cardamon-do not blend just for saute)

Ikan digoreng agak garing terlebih dahulu-ketepikan. Panaskan sedikit minyak dan tumiskan bahan yang ditumbuk halus, bunga lawang serta buah pelaga hingga wangi dan agak kekuningan. Masukkan air tadi, tutup dan didihkan. Apabila mendidih, masukkan bebola ikan, kuih ikan, soo hoon yang telah direndam dan juga ikan. Biarkan mendidih lagi. Rasalah garam dan perasa secukupnya dan masukkan bawang goreng, daun bawang dan daun sop atau batang saderi yang telah dihiris. Angkat dan hidangkan panas-panas.-(Fry fishes till crisp dish out and put aside. Heat some oil and saute blended ingredients, star anise and cardamon till fragrant and golden yellow. Add in water and cover pan. When bubbling, add in fish balls, fish cakes, soo hoon and fried fishes. Let it simmer . Add salt and msg to taste and sprinkle some fried shallots, spring onions and chinese celery or celery. Ready and serve hot.)
Sources:- Warisan nenek@

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kek Lapis India

This year I asked Mr Hubby, can we have a birthday cake that dont need creams or decorations?....and asked him if its ok that I make a Kek Lapis instead? my surprise, he agreed..well this was Mr Hubby's Birthday Cake!!!...hahaha...he quipped as long there is a cake...
alahai kesiannya when I heard this...then I jokingly teased him.. as you get older..your 'saham'(stock market) drops..wakaka..

So I proceeded and made this Kek Lapis India as there are still some 'elements' in there that I still wanted to remain..thats CHOCOLATES!!..hehehe..everywhere chocolates still nak masuk framekan..huhu.. I 've got the recipe from bro Rozzan which originally from Deeyana, a kek lapis expert..anyway, when comes to kek lapis, watch out for the sugar content as it can really made your sugar level in the blood to shoot up...I adjusted the sugar and milk as noted by Bro Rozzan and alhamdullilah, Mr Hubby said the sweetness is Ok..

16 0z mentega-(453.6g- saya gunakan 2 mentega- 500g)-( 16oz butter-453.6g -I used 2 blocks of butter)
10 biji telur-(10 eggs)
65g nestum putih(nestum beras bayi)-( nestum infant cereal)
300g gula(saya gunakan 180g)-(300g sugar-I used 180g only)
100g tepung biskut 'marie'-(100g 'marie' biscuits flour)
1 peket santan serbuk(50g)-optional -(1 packet powdered coconut milk-optional)
397g susu manis(saya gunakan 185g) - (397g condensed milk-I used 185g)
120g tepung gandum-(120g plain flour)
coklat cadbury secukupnya- (cadbury chocolates to estimate)

Pukul mentega dan gula hingga kembang. Masukkan telur satu persatu hingga habis. Masukkan tepung biskut marie, nestum, tepung gandum, santan dan susu. Gaul rata. Bakar lapisan pertama hingga masak. Ratakan adunan untuk lapisan kedua dan susun coklat cadbury. Bakar hingga masak. Ulang hingga habis.-(Beat butter and sugar till creamy. Add in eggs one by one till finish. Add in 'marie' biscuits flour, nestum, plain flour, coconut milk and condense milk. Mix well. Grill first layer till cook. Add in second layer and arrange cadbury chocolates. Grill till cook. Repeat procedure till finish.)
Sources:- & deeyana

Biskut marie dikisar halus dan diayak baru ditimbang.-(Blend marie biscuits till fine and sieve then weigh)
Susu dan gula boleh dikurangkan jika anda tidak gemar terlalu manis.-(sugar and condense milk can be reduced if dont want too sweet.)
Gunakan acuan saiz 9" x 9" jika anda tidak suka kek yang terlalu tinggi-saya gunakan loyang 8" x 8".-(use a 9" x9" tray if prefer a not so high cake. I used a 8" x 8" tray)

Friday, January 08, 2010

Vietnamese Spicy Lemongrass Chicken

Before I start off with my entry today, which is almost midnight, I would like to thank all my friends bloggers and guests for the well wishes and doas for my mum recovery, insyaallah...It made my eyes filled with tears, my throat chocked with words and touched my heart !!!..Thanks a million for the concerned and love..I appreciate it very much!!

Today's menu just this...saw this in Halen's blog..quite curious about this dish,..apa lagi try ler..
I adjusted here and there to my taste, I added a bit of minced ginger(halia kisar) to it, but a bit slack cause I terbubuh terlebih  vinegar, so termasam sikit..tapi nasib baik  rasa masih boleh diterima....thanks dear owner of this recipe..

3 keping isi ayam, potong saiz kecil2 (saya gunakan 1 ekor ayam)-(3 chicken breast, cut to small pieces-I used 1 whole chicken)
3 sudu besar gula-(3 tbsp sugar)
2 sudu besar minyak masak-(2 tbsp cooking oil)
3 sudu besar sos ikan-(3 tbsp fish sauce)
3 batang serai- diketuk-(3 lemon grass bruised)
1 sudu besar cuka-(1 tbsp vinegar)
1 sudu besar sos tiram-(1 tbsp oyster sauce)
1 bawang besar dipotong dadu-(1 large onion diced)
lada merah & lada hijau- potong serong-(saya gunakan cili padi ketuk)-(red chillies & green chillies sliced slantly- I used bird eyes chillies crushed)

Panaskan minyak dalam kuali. Masukkan gula dan biarkan sebentar hingga bertukar warna gelap. Masukkan ayam & bawang. Lepas 5 minit masukkan serai & lada. Perlahan api & masukkan bahan2 lain & gaul biar sekata. Jika kering masukkan sedikit air. Rasakan & adjust apa2 yang terkurang. Hidangkan panas2 dengan nasi putih.-(Heat oil and add in sugar. Let it for a while till it changes to dark colour. Add in chicken and onions. After 5 minutes add in lemon grass and chillies. Slow down heat and add in other ingredients and stir well. If too dry add in some water. Taste and adjust whatever need to be added on. Serve hot with white rice.)
Sources:- From

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Kuih Lapis Kopi

Made this 2 days ago, as usual for Mr Hubby...gave this recipe a try...just cant decide which recipes to go with at first cause I have a few and all the ingredients varies from just using plain flour or hoen kwee flour....but since Mr Hubby who has 'tekak conventional' he preferred the normal ones ..heheh..Anyway, thank you dear owner, I cant recall where I got this from, who ever owns this please shout ya..

Yesterday, I sent my mum to the polyclinic, the doctor diagnosed that she has thyroid (grave's disease) after looking at the blood test results that they took on Monday...on top of her high blood, diabetes, high cholesterol and osteoporosis(knee)...she has been sick for the past one week now...loose about 7kg appetite to eat...the trembling of her hands can be obviously seen when she holds somethings...

Ingredients A:-
2 cawan santan-(2 cups coconut milk)
1 cawan tepung gandum-(1 cup plain flour)
1 cawan gula pasir-(1 cup granulated sugar)
2 sudu makan tepung beras-(2 tbsp rice flour)
2 sudu makan tepung kastard-( 2 tbsp custard powder)
1 sudu teh garam-(1 tsp salt)

Ingredients B:-
1 sudu teh coklat emulco-(1 tsp chocolate emulco)
1 sudu makan serbok koko-(1 tbsp cocoa powder)
1 sudu makan serbok nescafe-(1 tbsp nescafe)
1/4 cawan air suam-(1/4 cup warm water)
semua bahan dicampur rata dan tapis.-(mix all the ingredients and strained)

Ingredients C:-
1/4 cawan air suam-(1/4 cup warm water)

Gaulkan semua bahan A sehingga sebati. dan tapiskan. Bahagikan kepada dua bahagian. Masukkan bahan B kedalam satu adunan, kacau rata. Biarkan warna asal satu adunan dan campurkan bahan C kacau rata. Masukkan satu senduk adunan koko kedalam loyang dan kukus selam 5 minit. Lapiskan satu senduk adunan asal dan kukus semula selama 5 minit. Lapiskan adunan koko dan warna asal serselang seli sehingga adunan habis.-(Mix all ingredients A well and strained. Divide into 2 portions. Add in ingredients B in one portion and mix well. Let the other portions at its original colour and add in ingredients C. Add in 1 scoop of 'cocoa' portion into tray and steam for 5 minutes. Add on 1 scoop of original portion on top and steam another 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure till all the mixture finish.)
Sources:-Got this from a blog, sorry cant recall the blog's name..

Note:- Saya bubuh sedikit minyak supaya adunan tak melekat diloyang.(I steamed the kuih lapis by adding some oil into tray so as the mixture do not stick to the tray.)

Sotong Masak Lemak Ala Jawa

I guessed I tend to like some of Javanese menu..cause of the spiciness and the simplicity of preparing them, but not if the dish is too sweet I rather go for 'PEDAS'(hot) then 'MANIS'(sweet)...when I decided to print out a recipe, I will look at the preparations and ingredients used.. I dont know, I felt that a dish should be a bit spicy, if its too sweet then I guessed it should be a dessert rather then dishes...just a thought..


8 ekor sotong putih-(8 white squids)
1 kilo santan-(1kg coconut milk)
tempe(dipotong kecil)tak letak sebab tak ada -(fermented soy bean cake diced- Didn't put cause no stock)
tauhu(dipotong kecil)-(hard bean curd diced)
1/2 sudu teh serbuk kunyit-(1/2 tsp turmeric powder)

Bahan Kisar:-Blended ingredients
3 ulas bawang kecil-(3 shallots)
2 ulas bawnag putih-(2 garlics)
10 biji cili padi-(bird eyes chillies)

Masukkan santan cair kedalam periuk beserta bahan yang dikisar tadi bersama 1/2 sudu teh serbuk kunyit. Kacau sehingga mendidih. Kemudian masukkan santan pekat, tempe, tauhu, sotong dan garam kacau sampai sotong masak. Sedia untuk dinikmati.-(Add thin coconut milk together with blended ingredients and 1/2 tsp turmeric powder. Let it boil. Add in thick coconut milk, fermented soy bean cake, hard bean curd, squids and salt. Let it till cooked. Ready)

Ikan Tenggiri Goreng

Saw this in Love2cook's blog quite sometimes ago...frying the fishes this way was something different from what I normally fried my fishes..

4 ketul isi Ikan Tenggiri (blocks)-( 4 pieces Spanish mackerel)
2 sb pes halia + bawang putih-(2 tbsp ginger + garlics paste)
1 sb serbuk cili-(1 tbsp chili powder)
1 sb serbuk kari ikan-(1 tbsp curry powder)
1/2 sk serbuk kunyit-(1/2 tsp turmeric powder)
garam secukup rasa-(salt to taste)
1/2 sb biji jintan putih ~ disangai dan dikisar -(1/2 tbsp cumin seeds -toasted and blended- I just used the powdered ones)
1/3 sb biji lada hitam ~ disangai dan dikisar-(1/3 tbsp black peppercorn- toasted and blended-I just used the black pepper powder)
1 biji telur (yang kecik)-(1 egg- small one)
1-2 sb tepung beras-(1-2 tbsp rice flour)
daun kari-(curry leaves)
minyak masak-(oil for frying)

Bersihkan ikan, perap dgn garam sebentar untuk menghilangkan bau. Kemudian cuci dan toskan airnya. Pastikan ikan betul2 kering.
Masukkan kesemua bahan di atas (ikut turutan) kecuali minyak dan daun kari dlm sebuah mangkuk. Gaul sebati. Masukkan ikan dan biarkan perap selama 1 jam.
Panaskan minyak dlm kuali dan gorengkan ikan hingga masak. Taburkan daun kari ketika menggoreng. Dah goreng, angkat dan toskan minyak. Sedia dihidang!-(Clean fishes, marinate with salt to get rid of the smell. Wash and drained.Making sure the fish are dried. Add in all the ingredients according to the steps except the oil and curry leaves. Mix well. Add in fishes and let it stand marinated for 1 hour. Heat oil and deep fried fishes till cook. Sprinkle curry leaves while frying. After frying, dish out and drained. Ready to serve.)
Sources:-From Love2cook blog